Enjoyed reading about your influential fictional characters. Certainly food for thought.

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I am thinking about it. So far I only have Pippi Longstocking... I notice your fictional characters are women. I think my number two is most likely Robert Merrick (Magnificent Obsession by Lloyd C. Douglas). The idea that he had the power to redeem his life and to do better inspired me at low points in my own life.

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Ah I haven't read Magnificent Obsession. There are a few male characters that are influences, for sure but I yes, I stuck to female characters, mostly for the challenge. Often female characters are disappointing: victimized, mealy-mouthed, etc. I'm a huge Dickens fan but not of his female characters. So I wanted to think of female characters who had gumption, moxie. As for NF females (That I've read about in books,) the list is very long bc real women are not weaklings.

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May 23Liked by Marjorie Apple

Ah, I agree female characters in novels are a challenge as they often are not authentically portrayed as multidimensional and strong. Now that I think about it there are scenes that stay with me. The female giving birth to her baby in the rice paddies of China and going back to working in the paddy (The Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck) or the mother in Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath having just lost her own child, breastfeeds a dying stranger in a rain-soaked barn surrounded by flooded cotton fields.

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PS Sadly, I don't remember Pippi very well. I did read more than one of her adventures. But all I remember are her pigtails and freckles.

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